Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 10

So Picasso…when I first began reading it I actually thought that it was just the same words written over and over again for a page and a half. Then I realized it pretty much was the same words written over and over but with other added words being said in the same yet various ways. Either way it is very repetitious and a little bothersome.
            Anyways The first segment that I found interesting was “ One whom some were certainly following was one working  and certainly was one bringing something out of himself then and was one who had been all his living have been one having something coming out of him.” (Stein 856) I could be wrong but this text seems to me to say that this was a person who was working, and who was bringing something much greater out of himself by working on that specific idea, while others were following hoping to gain something like this person who had been working had gained for themselves. See even as I try to describe it in the terms that I understand it appears to make very little sense. Although I swear I am meaning to.
            At the end it says “ This one was one who was working. This one was one who was almost always working. This one was not one completely working. This one was one not ever completely working. This one was not one working to have something come out of him. He always did have something coming out of him. He was working; he was not ever completely working. He did have some following. They were always following him . Some were certainly following him. He was one who was working. He was one having something coming out of him something having meaning. He was not ever completely working.” (Stein 857)
For a moment I wondered if it was multiple kinds of people being described especially when it talks about those working and having something coming out of them that is meaningful while others are working and they are not fully working and they don’t have as much coming out of them so they follow others who have meaning coming from them.
            Although, as I was reading further I thought of it like we as people, following others who have great talent and strength and hoping something great will come out of us, while other follow and only try half heartedly and can’t provide something as wonderful because they are not trying hard enough. But the very last line when it says “He was not ever completely working.”(Stein 857) I think that might mean perhaps some people are just made with a certain skill or talent and there is no extra hard work given because it just comes naturally.
            Just so everyone knows I feel as if I may so wrong about this entire segment. Feel free to give me your input.

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